Mr. Wang Fu knew how to protect the interests of Chinatown (that's how he got to be the most important and respected resident), so he assigned a detail of his most trusted Chinese bodyguards to look after Eddy. These men knew how to melt into the crowd and look unimportant, yet how to stay close enough to Eddy to foil any assassination attempts.As it turned out, on two occasions, a patrolling deputy marshal found the body of a dead Chinese man of uncertain, but young, age lying in an alley somewhere in downtown Sacramento. On both occasions, the victim had been killed by the expert application of a garotte. Upon inquiry, the Chinese community informed the investigators that these two individuals were strangers to Sacramento and no one knew anything about them. However, privately, Mr. Wang marked two more of the assassins from the San Francisco gang off his list.This was a rather quiet three weeks in the annals of the Sacramento Marshal's office. Even the usual White troublemakers. Ink-black hair dripping over skinny shoulders. Chilly green eyes like flawed emeralds. Milky skin the complexion of the vampyre. Breathing deep in through her nose she tugs on the silvery ring that peirxces her FUCKIT! FUCKIT! FUCKIT! that PIERCES her left nipple. She can already feel the familiar burning between her ~~~~~ START AGAIN! So the author of *Miss Babylon 1999* sits naked lonely and drunk before her bedroom mirror. She is 30 years old. The smell is Avocado and Apple (the scent of cheap shampoo that still clings to my hair). The colour is pale blue (a soft reflection of the pockmarked wallpaper Mum and Dad pasted up a quarter of a century ago). To the left of this crow-haired Godiva a bashed white convection heater is turned all the way up to five/ helping combat the worst excesses of the Scottish winter. Tugging at the ring that pierces her left nipple the writer frowns at her milky reflection and flares her nostrils/ breathing in deep through her nose. Shes been.
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